Three ring circus

Do you ever feel like you are standing in the middle of a three-ring circus?  There is so much going on around you that you are not sure if the elephants are coming out, the tightrope walkers are in the air, or if the motorcycles are going into the steel cage.   Infertility often puts us standing right there in the middle of the three ring circus not having any idea what is going on or what is coming next.

Infertility takes the three-ring circus to a completely new level because no ones three ring circus is the same.  I found myself standing in the middle of that three ring circus, as did Andrea, and you may have as well.  It becomes more difficult because none of us have the exact same circus.  Therefore, we feel alone because even if our friend has infertility her story is completely different that ours.

Can I let you in on a secret – you are not alone that is just satan trying to make you feel like you are.  Satan tries to make us feel broken, inadequate, alone, and not worthy.  Don’t buy those lies!  You are wonderfully made, you are a child of God, and you are worth the life of Jesus!

In those moments of the circus going wild where do you turn?  Even if your friend has a different circus, talk to her.  If your spouse isn’t aware of the circus going on in your mind, talk to him.  If you need a professional to talk to, do it!  Most importantly talk to your creator about it, God wants you to talk to Him.  He knew you before you were ever created, he loved you even before you were created, and he even knew you would have fertility issues before you were created.  Talk to Him, He already knows your thoughts, wants, and wishes; He still wants you to talk to Him.  How worthy does that make us that He wants us to talk to Him!

What is going on in your circus? Is the tent just being put up, are the acts going on all around you, or are the people leaving the show?